ecological exercises

Random ecological acts of kindness, try them in any order on any day, and let me know how you get on, also any suggestions for more random ecological acts of kindness, let me know
and they can be added to the list, I will try them out and anyone else is invited to join in.

a response to ecological acts of kindness by Anna, thanks Anna


1.pick some stinging nettles
2.make a bouquet
3.wrap in a nettle soup recipe
4.give to a friend or a stranger


1.pick some dandelions and chickweeds
2.make a bouquet
3.tie with a ribbon
4.attach a note: salad


1.pick some stinging nettles
2.make a bouquet
3.wrap in a nettle soup recipe
4.give to a friend or a stranger


excercise 1, bouquet and shopping centres
Walk through you local shopping centre with a bouquet of dandelions.
Give one to each passer-by and blow them a kiss.

excercise 2, climb a tree
Find a large tree to climb,
sit and look at the world,
and greet passers by

excercise 3, car colour spotting
Stand on the edge of a busy road and count how many red cars go by in 3 minutes
Stand on the edge of a busy road and count how many black cars go by in 4 minutes
Stand on the edge of a busy road and count how many white cars go by in 2 minutes
Stand on the edge of a busy road and count how many silver cars go by in 2 minutes
Stand on the edge of a busy road and count how many blue cars go by in 4 minutes
Stand on the edge of a busy road and count how many beige cars go by in 5 minutes


excercise 4,  comfort for passers by on the high street
Take your most comfortable armchair
place it in the high street
offer passers by a seat if they look
overwhelmed and down trodden

excercise 5, the motorway is alive walk to your nearest motorway
find a bridge over the lanes
sing the hills are alive with sound of music
as loud as you can

excercise 6, friends
bring four friends together
change your names to a, b, c & d
each choose to go north south east or west
pick yellow wild flowers as you walk
a, b, c and d return and make a bouquet out of them


excercise 7,  photograph the motorway
take a photograph of some wildflowers
place it in the toilet of your nearest
motorway service station
invite your friends
to a simultaneous posting
of their flower photographs
on motorway services stations

excercise 8, planting apples
always take an apple with you
when you are driving
throw the core out the window
drive by next year
and see if an apples tree has grown


excercise 9,  blow dandilions
ask 10 friends to bring a chair and sit
in a circle on a roundabout
each take a dandilion clock
and blow at the same time

excercise 10,  plant the pips
eat an apple everyday
plant the pips
walk to grocery stores
nearby and give them your pot as a gift

excercise 11, mow the park
take your lawn mower to the nearest park
cut the grass
make a bed and have a knap

excercise 12, share your breakfast with the birds
wake up early in the morning
open the window and listen to the birds
ask them if they would like to share your breakfast


excercise 13
go to a deserted field
walk round it backwards
listening to the sounds

excercise 14, sewing grass
take twenty blades of grass
and sew them together
wear them as a necklace